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HHP Racing Adjustable Billet Tensioner Support Bracket

HHP Racing Adjustable Billet Tensioner Support Bracket

Manufactured by Gen3 Performance Products Exclusively for HHP!

HHP Racing Adjustable High Strength Billet Aluminum Belt Tensioner bracket for Hellcat engine

Can't seem to find the right belt size or struggling to change belts when you change pulleys at the track? The new HHP Tensioner Bracket offers 5 different positions for your 6.2L belt tensioner. The center hole is equal to factory clocking, with about a 20 degree throw adjustment for each hole tighter or looser.  

NOTE: OEM belt tensioners are only compatible with the OEM location, one step tighter and one step looser from factory. We have found that Litens belt tensioners can be used in all positions, available here: 

Supports the strongest tensioners on the market.

Made in the USA. Patent Pending design.   

Required Tools: -15mm wrench to get belt off of tensioner

-8mm allen to get tensioner off

-13mm for bracket

Tensioner to bracket bolt: 37ftlbs

Bracket bolts: 21ftlbs 

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